We often talk about curious, passionate learners. Learners who reach out, discover and learn for themselves. Building new skills. Exploring new knowledge. Who don’t wait to be told what to do next. But do we truly believe that current education models and systems encourage this? Does a linear model of teaching prevent students from branching into areas that they are truly passionate?

Eighteen year old Kyle Ryan uses climate change to exemplify his frustration going through, what he considers, a broken educational model:

To understand this “climate crisis,” I perused articles that talked about the impending shortage of fossil fuels and non-renewables. I became fascinated with solar energy and photovoltaics.

It was an inclination my school should have encouraged. However, there was no curriculum to support individualized learning and exploration.

My curiosity only needed some encouragement. Because school didn’t give it to me, I had to.

Before this, I did not have any noticeable interests. I had a very linear education up until this point. I was in the same school with the same kids in the same place. Once I decided to explore interests on my own, I became a totally different person. Self-learning was my only option. By exploring my own interests and making my own observations, my learning became much more organic.

So do we need a more organic model for educating our children? And what are the realities of implementing this model? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Read the entire essay here.

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