With literature forming such a large part of any curriculum, it is essential students are introduced to a love of language as early as possible. As most of us know, love for a language does not generally come from a textbook. It comes from enthralling tales, stories and imaginative use of language.
These five literature blogs are a great starting point to inspire young minds and start students developing a real love for the language they will use in every facet of their life.
Literature Blogs for Language Lovers
1. Poetry Blogs
This great site is flooded with new poems daily of all shapes, sizes and types, from all over the world. A brilliant place to let students immerse themselves in poetry and find the style that suits them! From Haiku to blank verse, a great, non-threatening environment to dip in and out and a brilliant site to use in a class lesson – let each student find a poem that inspires them and then write about why, or try to write their own poem in a similar style! Great for searching for inspiration.
2. Bookwitch
This great blog serves two important functions for student bookworms – it both teaches them how to write varied, witty and well-crafted book reviews (an important skill) and also gives them hot tips on brilliant new books to try!
3. Bard Box
Brilliant for engaging reluctant students with Shakespeare’s work, this great blog collects original video material relating to the bard’s plays and puts it all in one place. From watching Hamlet in 60 seconds to seeing the plays transformed into rap, it’s a brilliant introduction to Shakespeare’s works and perfect for blowing the cobwebs off the idea that Shakespeare is stuffy or boring! Also a fantastic starting point for inspiring students to come up with their own multimedia interpretations of Shakespeare’s works – songs or poems or even videos of their own! (Bard Box is no longer being updated but still remains a great resource)
4. The Bookette
This great site not only reviews children and young adult fiction, but also suggests a range of similar books for each one reviewed, so children who are choosy readers can use it to find new books they might like on the basis of past hits!
5. Blogging Shakespeare
Perfect for older students needing context and criticism to support essays on Shakespeare, this blog helps them think around the topic with posts on Shakespeare’s works, their relevance in the 21st Century and different theatrical interpretations.
Which literature blogs do you find useful and entertaining? Let us know below!
Feature image courtesy of Flickr, wewiorka_wagner. Shakespeare image courtesy of Flickr, Books18.