Peer to Peer Learning

Who can teach you better than your peers? Nobody! Seriously. Most educators are so far removed from your understanding that it’s difficult for them to think back when they didn’t know how to do the basics – like addition, or understanding osmosis. But somebody who’s just learned the process? Somebody who started on your level, and now understands the topics can easily reach down (metaphorically of course), grab your hand, and pull you up to their level.

Why is it easier for them? Well, they can use language that you can relate to. They have a better grasp on questions that you have, since they only just overcame those questions…and most importantly, they’re way more available than a teacher or professor might be.

Schools and Colleges no longer have the resources to cater to each individual student’s needs. So if we’re going to be delivering personalized learning to each student, then we need to leverage the power of the crowd in the ways Wikipedia and Youtube leverage crowd content.

So if you’re looking to take a step up in the peer to peer learning space, and use new tools that help you, the student, succeed – here are the top 4 that are available to you.


Peer to Peer Learning Tools

1. InstaEdu

One of our favorites. Simple and straightforward – InstaEdu provides a  new spin to tutoring. Need help right now? No need to wait and see your tutor at the end of the week. Just hop-on to for an instant tutoring session. It’s affordable, awesome…and most importantly – available immediately!

Tutoring Online with InstaEdu


Founded in 2012, StudySoup is a  that gives college students an opportunity to make money by selling study guides and lectures notes online to their classmates. StudySoup provides elite note takers with a platform to create, upload and connect with their classmates. Top students are making $1k+ selling their study guides and more.

They’ve also opened their toolset for educators to create, curate and sell course resources used in the classroom.

Keep Calm and Pass Organic Chemistry
StudySoup Elite Notetaker Study Materials

3. LessonPaths

Remember those cool playlists you used to make on iTunes? “Summer Jams ’97”, “Techno Workout Jamz”…etc. Well imagine making an awesome playlist with the best videos and content out there to teach yourself how to bake an Apple Pie, or better yet, how do learn the Pythagorean Theorem. The functionality is basic, but the value it huge! Imagine all of those awesome educators out there all giving you their secrets to education…for free. That’s what you get with LessonPaths (used to be Mentor Mob).

Mentor Mob
Learn to Play the Guitar with LessonPaths

4. Quizlet

This is one of our favorite applications. Crowdsourced flashcards and study materials for anyone, anywhere. People in middle school, high school, college and more love this tool which allows you to create flashcards to test yourself and share with others. You can find anything on Quizlet, including a super awesome test on the history of Beer. Yes Beer!


 What are you favorite Peer to Peer learning tools? Let us know!


Sieva Kozinsky is the Founder and CEO of StudySoup. Connect with me on Twitter – @SievaKozinsky or @StudySoup


Feature image courtesy of Flickr, Financial Times photos under creative commons.

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