

Over the years Prezi has become a tool very near and dear to the hearts of many educators. Why is this you ask? Well, I think it’s because we see a little bit of ourselves in it. Just like any good teacher, Prezi can turn the most boring, uninspiring content into engaging, thought-provoking material. It’s available everywhere and is a delight to work with. And of course, like all of us,  it’s a true beauty to behold :)

So, with that, here are five informatively elegant Prezis covering educational topics from the flipped classroom, to learning how to making engaging book trailers.


1. Flipped Classroom by Heidi Neltner

While the concept of the flipped classroom may be very clear to you, there are a number of real misconceptions that have made their way into teaching circles. In this gorgeous Prezi, teacher librarian and Prezi-master Heidi Neltner takes you on a stunning journey through just what the flipped classroom is all about.


2. CyberBullying by Dalton Alexandre

A real issue that all educators are faced with, CyberBullying can have devastating effects on students, their families and of course your classroom culture. This short and sweet Prezi from educator Dalton Alexandre provides a neat overview of the problems, mediums and solutions of this challenging issue.


3. Classroom Community by Melissa Lee-Brundridge

Coming in at 193 slides, this is one of the largest Prezis you are likely to find on the topic of classroom community. Using the imagery of an iceberg, this is probably to be expected. This fascinatingly detailed Prezi goes way beyond the ‘tip’ of the topic and explores everything you will need to build a thriving classroom community.


4. 21st Century Book Talks by Heidi Neltner

A wonderfully practical Prezi, ’21st Century Book Talks’ goes into the tools and tips you can use to create engaging book talks and trailers with your students. Going down to the detail of what apps and tools to use, this Prezi even has QR codes you can scan to point you in the right direction.


5. Prezi Design Strategies by Shawn Apostel

Last but certainly not least, the final Prezi was awarded ‘Best Educational Prezi‘ 2013. Detailing the steps and tips to creating the perfect Prezi, this is your go to resource if the previous examples have inspired you to create your own.



Links and Next Steps


Feature image adapted from image courtesy of Flickr, mayeesherr.

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