Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom concept is one of those topics that sparks fiery debate before you can even finish the word FLIP… Like most touchy subjects, there are those at one end of the spectrum who believe ‘flipping’ is the silver bullet, and those on the other end, who see it as nothing more than a passing fad.

Like any technology, online video is another tool for the educator’s tool belt. It is not to be used just because it is available, and not to be ignored because it is new and confusing. In the below video from our latest online course, How to Use Online Video to Flip the Classroom, presenter and Flipped Classroom thought leader, Brian Bennet, shows how there is much more than just video to flipping the classroom:


Why The Flipped Classroom?

In a recent Edudemic post, a survey from ClassroomWindow concluded that 67% Educators Report Flipped Classroom Improves Test Scores. Among other results, the one stat that stood out for me was that 88% of educators said flipping their classroom improved their job satisfaction.

Although often glossed over, when people are happy in their jobs, they perform infinitely better.  Happy teachers make a much more positive environment for learning and their enthusiasm,  excitement and passion is infectious. If a small change like flipping a few lessons can give educators a new lease on their gift to teach, then this is certainly an experiment worth trying. After all, what is more important than being happy in what you do?


Looking for more?

If you are keen to take online video and the flipped classroom to the next level, a great post from Larry Ferlazzo titled The Best Posts On The “Flipped Classroom” Idea, puts together some of the best articles  as well as a few insightful Tweets on the topic. Make sure to read both the for and against articles to help get a balanced perspective on the challenges, frustrations and successes in putting the ‘flip’ into practice.

If you are still skeptical or are looking for some points to help your school decide how to approach the flipped classroom, our course presenter Brian Bennet wrote a very popular article for ‘Smartblog on Education’ titled Flipped classrooms: Let’s change the discussion.

Take a read and let us know your thoughts on this fascinating topic.


Feature image courtesy of Flick, scott swigart

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